Friends in Faith

We invite all adults to join us for some exciting service and social activities! Some of the events that Friends in Faith has participated in include Twins games, museum visits, Taste of White Bear, and various community service projects. For more information, check out the Redeemer News! for upcoming events.


Adult Spiritual Growth

Sundays | 10:30am-11:30am | Library

Wednesdays | 6pm-7pm | Library

RLC Chorale


Sundays | 8:30am-9:30am | Music Room

Wednesdays | 7pm-8pm | Music Room

Summer Choir

More information coming soon!

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9:30 AM / 3rd Thu of each Month / Meet at Redeemer (unless otherwise announced)

Join this group of vibrant adults in the prime of their lives who gather monthly for fellowship, learning, and fun outings.

Any questions? Call Barb Wojahn at 651.429.2557.


Quilting Ministry

9:00 AM-12:00 PM | Wednesdays, Year-Round | Meet in the Upstairs Community Room.

A dedicated group of sewers meet weekly to create beautiful, comforting quilts that are gifted to area ministries, as well as annually to Redeemer’s High School Graduating Seniors. All are welcome to join!


Bibles & Bagels Weekly Bible Study

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Tuesdays | Library

Join these ladies for a time of fellowship and Bible study on Tuesday mornings!

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Men’s Breakfast Weekly Bible Study

Info to come!


Redeemer Book Club

2nd Tuesdays | Starting September 14 | 7:00pm | Library

Join us on Tuesday, September 14th at 7 pm in the Redeemer Library to kick off another interesting year of reading and discussing a wide range of excellent books.

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Hope Circle- Women’s Bible Study

1st Tuesdays | Sept thru May | 10:30 AM | Library

Traditionally starts the Tuesday after Labor Day. Hope to see you there!

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Joy Peace Circle- Women’s Bible Study

2nd Wednesdays | Sept thru May | 10:00am | Atrium

We are looking forward to gathering for Bible study and renewing our Circle friendship. We encourage church members and friends to join us each month.

If you have any questions, please call Donna Miller at 651-739-4329. This will be a celebration and renewal of our Circle life. Blessings!



Tuesdays |4:30pm-5:30pm | Fellowship Hall Instructor: Jean Auger

8-week yogadevotion sessions held 4:30pm-5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The class is geared for beginners as well as for those with experience. Please wear comfortable clothes, bring a mat, and a water bottle.

Please bring your check for $72 made payable to "Redeemer Lutheran Church" (memo: Yogadevotion) to the first class. For more information, if you are new to yoga or if you want to arrange for a half-session, contact Sue Johnson by email:, or 651.387.3443.

We welcome new participants!


“2nd Half” with Lyngblomsten

A life enrichment program designed to connect older adults to community services, resources, and opportunities to enhance quality of life for adults 50+. 2nd Half offers a variety of classes and events ranging from arts, music, exercise, health and well-being, day trips, and more.

Pick up a copy of the catalog at the Redeemer Welcome Desk or visit to download a copy.