Pastor as Spiritual Leader
We continue our look at the role of a pastor in a congregation.
Today, the pastor as spiritual leader.
I believe that most congregational members and most clergy would expect the pastor to be something of a spiritual leader. With the increase of people who identify as “Spiritual but not religious” I’m thinking that even those outside our congregation would expect pastors to be spiritual leaders.
What would a spiritual leader look like?
First: a spiritual leader is connected to God and what God is working on in the world. Prayer and time in God’s Word are of ultimate importance. Martin Luther knew how important this was and is quoted, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
Second: a spiritual leader is a leader whose influence on people (leadership) reflects the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5 (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).
Thirdly: … a leader whose leadership style empowers others to envision, birth and nurture the God-given potential that is within them.
Fourth: … a leader who understands that worship is about experiencing the touch of God upon our souls.
Fifth: … a leader who can readily and joyfully speak out of their own life struggles and spiritual victories without being the hero of their own stories.
Sixth: Spiritual leaders know that they are not the focus of what happens at church. They are called to raise up God’s vision for the people and to encourage everyone to work toward God’s vision. They are not afraid to get out of the way of new life, because they are convinced that the fullness of truth lies beyond them.
Seventh: spiritual leaders do not ‘take care’ of people. They avoid codependencies that make the laity perpetually needy and the pastor perpetually needed.
Eighth: spiritual leaders are humble servants who love God with their whole self and love their neighbors as they love themselves.
Ninth: spiritual leaders are more concerned with the transformation of lives than the production of numbers for the annual report.
And…(#10), they are really good listeners!!!
Blessings and peace!
Pr Mike