Let’s Talk Stewardship
This week I’ll begin a 7-part series looking at stewardship from a different angle.
Our guest speaker is a pig named Stewie. Please welcome Stewie.
Welcome to the stye! My name is Stewie, and I’m a pig who lives in the stye. I like to talk about how we can take better care of the things around us. Some people call this stewardship because ‘steward’ comes from the old English for ‘stye warden’ (do you see it?) Back in the old days the stye was the confined area that held the animals (including, but not limited to, pigs). The warden was the person who was hired by the owner to take care of the animals.
When we look at stewardship from this perspective it reminds us that we are taking care of property that belongs to someone else.
The Psalmist reminds us; “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it…” (Psalm 24:1). What would be included in “…everything in it…?” The trees, lakes, hills and air? How about the clouds in the sky? How about the roads? Would the buildings that we constructed belong to God? What about my children? What about your ability to sing, repair cars, organize or bake? If the Psalmist is right and if ‘everything’ means ‘everything’ then the list would be long and inclusive.
Please ponder this as you consider your life as a child of God here on earth.
Till next time, your pal in the stye, Stewie.