The Call Committee

The call committee has begun it’s work at RLC.

They have been instructed by Rolf Lowenberg-DeBoer from the synod staff.

They have set up a schedule, which they have posted in the narthex.

They have asked the congregation to submit names of possible candidates for the next pastor (there are forms in the office that outline the process).

They are well coordinated and are diligent and focused in their work.

A few things to remind the congregation as this process continues:

  1. The interim pastor has no part in the call process. This is to make sure that the interim pastor is not trying to influence the process or find a job for themselves or one of their friends. The Holy Spirit leads this process.

  2. This part of the process requires a lot of trust. I call this time Stewarding Confidences. Please do not ask members of the committee to give you information that would in any way disclose the identity of any of the candidates they are interviewing. If that information were to leak out it would be detrimental to the ministry of that candidate and it would be a bad reflection on our congregation. Trust the leaders that you have selected to fulfill this mission for you.

  3. Finally, for now, pray for our leaders, our members and our future leaders during this process. The call committee has a lot of work to do and they will be meeting often. There are important decisions to make. We all need the Holy Spirit to guide this process.

May God continue to guide us as we seek to do God’s will.

Blessings and peace!

Pr Mike


What Does a Vital Congregation Look Like, Part 1


Trust The Process