This is Holy Week, which means that this coming Sunday is Easter.
Easter is the most important day in the church year. It is the most important day in our lives. When we gather to worship on Easter morning we remember the story of Jesus’ resurrection and we join the disciples in amazement, wonder, awe and disbelief.
That amazement is the heart of our worship. Resurrection is a wonderful, powerful, amazing and mysterious event. It is so much more than a simple historical fact. We can have all the knowledge of the resurrection there is to have and yet, without the worshipful amazement of encountering the Risen Christ in our soul, resurrection is "out there." When we worship, it is "in here."
This is no idle tale that we celebrate on Easter. It is a brand new day, a glorious refreshing of our hearts, a proclamation of new hope and new life. We celebrate that past event because it has present and future results: new life for you and me.
Easter is celebrated with such vigor because its message is a powerful and transforming dose of good news in a world that is often consumed with bad news. We want to hear the good news and we also want to take in the new life that Jesus brings. After Jesus touches your hearts you are never the same again, there is a change, a transformation and your old life is replaced with a new life in Christ Jesus. Easter, the resurrection, declares that we all have been transformed and have new life in Christ. Some grab on to that new life as if it is important. Some just hear it as another story in a world full of stories.
But this story is different. This story makes a claim on you! Jesus defeated death and wants you to join him in that new life which conquers sin, death and the power of the devil.
We hope you can join us for worship this Easter Sunday.
Blessings in Christ.
Pastor Mike